Sustainable and flexible value chains of biogas in Baden-Württemberg

In recent years prices for biomass have steadily increased. This affects bioenergy production since increased prices for biogas substrates from agriculture lead to significant higher production costs. Additionally, it is desired that biogas plants will be economically independent from federal subsidies in the future. Given the high number of existing biogas plants, it is a main objective of biogas research to guarantee more efficient and thus cost effective and sustainable biogas production.

Therefore we investigate concepts for developing competitive, efficient, and ecologically friendly technologies in biogas production as well as examples of biogas value chains in Baden-Württemberg.

This includes the use of biogas to balance energy (e.g., compensate fluctuations in alternative renewable energy), the material use of biogas, the utilization of alternative plant systems to serve as substrates, the utilization of residual and waste materials, and the integration of the fermentation residues produced from biogas  in a closed-loop economy. Moreover, our research considers economic, ecological, and social implications of biogas production and recycling.


The following objectives are pursued within the scope of 13 projects:

  • Analysis of alternative potentials of biogas production, also with regard to the amended EEG 2014
  • Development of new technologies in biomass production, conversion, and utilization in the biogas value chain
  • Modeling of food and non-food markets (as additional renewable and alternative sources of bioenergy) to analyze present ecological, economic, social, and ethical advantages of biogas production and for the future

The research consortium comprises biogas competence in Baden-Württemberg covering the entire scope of the biogas value chain. In cooperation with the Competence Network Modeling the Bioeconomy and the accompanying research in social sciences and ecology, consumer acceptance of biogas production is also examined and evaluated.


Dr. Elisabeth Angenendt
Universität Hohenheim
Schloss Osthof-Süd
70599 Stuttgart
Tel.: + 49 (0) 711 / 459-22569 |