| University of Hohenheim Iris Lewandowski, Elisabeth Angenendt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Stuttgart | In progress |
| University of Hohenheim Iris Lewandowski, Elisabeth Angenendt University of Freiburg | In progress |
| University of Stuttgart Stefan Albrecht | completed |
| University of Hohenheim Enno Bahrs | completed |
Entwicklung von TIMES PanEU-Schnittstellen | University of Stuttgart Markus Blesl | completed | |
| Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Frank Schultmann, Andreas Rudi | completed |
| University of Hohenheim Harald Grethe | completed |
| Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Witold-Roger Poganietz | completed |
| Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Sebastian Voigt | completed |
| University of Freiburg Stefan Pauliuk | completed |