Lignocellulose - Alternative resource platform for new materials and products

New processes facilitate the application of wood and other plant derived lignocellulose for the production of bio-based products, as for example bio-based plastics and detergents. A part of crude oil that is currently used for similar production can thus be replaced.
Our research network investigates and uses several types of wood as well as fast growing grass species such as Miscanthus for biomass production.
The cell wall of these plants is made of lignocellulose, which is comprised of primarily cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Specialized separation and conversion processes are evaluated for the extraction of different chemical components from lignocellulose. These facilitate various applications of lignocellulose derived compounds for the production of materials and for use as platform chemicals.

The main goal in our research network is to use lignocellulose for producing new materials and end products. We also consider the possibility of recovering energy from side products in order to guarantee a complete utilization of lignoellulose and to increase economic yield.
The Research Network Lignocellulose is an interdisciplinary platform for a holistic investigation of lignocellulose-based value chains including biological, process technical, ecological, economic, and social aspects. This includes the analysis of the various impacts of biomass production, e.g. on the forest and agricultural sector and on ecosystems.
The common goal of the 19 funded projects within the research network is optimizing value chains for utilization of biomass by
- Optimizing production of raw materials and conversion processes focusing on high value products,
- Efficiently using resource by cascade and prudent utilization, and cradle-to-cradle solutions,
- Developing resource tolerant conversion processes,
- Maintaining and promoting biodiversity and ecosystem processes such as the metabolic cycle of water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus,
- Analyzing the effects of intensified use of lignocellulose on the economy, environment, and society.